Antisclerol (capsules 0,3)



Pharmacotherapeutic group

Hypolipidemic agents. Vitamins and vitamin-like agents.

Composition of the preparation

1 capsule contains 200, 400 mg of bien.

Bien is a complex of ethylic ethers of the polyunsaturated fat acids received from lipids of micellar Entomophthora virulenta fungus. Bien consists in 90-95 % of the higher fatty acids. The bien structure includes: ethylic ether  of linolenic acids(w-3),ethylic ether of linoleic acid(w-6),ethylic ether of  g - linolenic acids(w-6),ethylic ether of arachidonic acid(w-6),ethylic ether of eicosanoid acids (w-6),ethylic ether of eicosapentaenoic acid(w-6),ethylic ether of palmitic acid(w-7),ethylic ether of palmitoleic acid(w-9),ethylic ether of oleic acid(w-9),ethylic ether of stearic acid, ethylic ether of myristic acid.

Pharmacological action


Active ingredient of Antisclerolis bien, possessing hypolipidemic, hypocholesteremic, reparative, cytoprotective action.

Unsaturated fat acids as a part of Antisclerol, including essential (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic) are the important components of biomembranes and autokoids sources - universal bioregulators of functional activity of cells and tissues. Antisclerolis characterized by the balanced ratio of polyunsaturated fat acids of w-6 and w-3 families.

Administration of Antisclerolprovides depression of cholesterol and triglycerides concentration in blood serum. Ability of Antisclerolto prevent formation of atherosclerotic plaques in vessels of elastic type and development of dystrophic changes in liver and kidneys, necrotic processes in a myocardium is experimentally established.

Active ingredient of Antisclerolis bien that possesses reparative and cytoprotective properties, renders stimulating influence on process of wound healing, burns of skin and mucosa, is effective at treatment of stomach and duodenum ulcer.


The arachidonic acid is a precursor of biologically active compounds - eicosanoids: diene prostanoids (prostaglandins PGA2, PGВ2..., PGI2; prostacyclins PG-I2, thromboxanes ТОА2, ТОВ2), tetraene leukotrienes LТА4, LТВ4, …, LТF4; tetraene lipotrienes, lypoxynes, hydroperoxy - and hydroxyeicosapoliene acids.

Dihomo-g- linolenic acid throughΔ5-desaturasetransformed into arachidonic acid, or directly participates in synthesis of eicosanoids.

a- linolenic acid during a biotransformation through series of intermediate stages formslong-chain derivatives - eicosapentaenoic acid anddocosahexaenoic acid. Besides, it can take part in formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes through series of intermediate stages. Trienoicprostanoids are formed fromlinolenicacids (prostaglandins PGA3, PGB3..., PGI3; prostacyclins PG-I3, thromboxanes ТОА3, ТОВ3), pentaene leukotrienes LТА5, LТВ5, LТF5; pentaene lipotrienes, lypoxynes, hydroperoxy - and hydroxyeicosapoliene acids.

 The linoleic acid is the precursor of monoene prostanoids biosynthesis (prostaglandinsPGА1, PGВ1..., PGI1; prostacyclins PGI1, thromboxanes ТОА1, ТОВ1), and also trienoic leukotrienes LTА3, LTВ3, LTF3; trienoic lipotrienes, lypoxynes.


Hypercholesterinemia, hypertriglyceridemia at absence of dietetics effect, an atherosclerosis (in complex therapy).

Dosage and method of administration 

The preparation is recommended to be administrated per 0,6-0,8 g3-4 times a day (2,4 гa day) in 30 minutes before meal. Course of treatment is not less than 8 weeks.

Special indications

Expressed hypocholesteremic, hypolipidemic effect is noted not earlier than in 4-8 weeks after Antisclerol  intake.

Side effects

At bien intake dyspepsia phenomena (nausea, heartburn, meteorism, eructation by bitter taste or oil, taste of oil or a bitter taste in a mouth, not demanding a special intervention and withdrawing of the preparation can be noted. Besides there are possible constipation/diarrhea; pains in epigastriums or in right hypochondrium; headaches; pains in lumbar area; acceleration of pains inprecardiac areas; exacerbations of gout.

The specified phenomena, as a rule, are over after the preparation withdrawal.


Contraindications to Antiscleroladministrationare hypersensitivity, chronic pancreatitis, diarrhea, the expressed failure of liver function, gout.

Safety measures

It is necessary to use the preparation with care in patients with arthropathies.

Interactions with other medicinal preparations

Combined administration of Antisclerol with nitrates, Amiodaron, Sotalolom, Atenolol, Metoprolol, Verapamilum, Diltiazem, inhibitors of АPF(Captopril, Enalapril, Fosinopril), diuretics (Hydrochlorothiazide, Furosemide, Indapamide), Nifedipine, Dipiridamolum, Ticlopidine, Mildronate, Trimetazidine, terazonime, Phenazepame, vitamins is possible.

The preparation decreases side effects on gastrointestinal tract mucosa by nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agent.


Cases of Antisclerol overdosage in capsules it is not established.

The form of release

Capsules per 300. 25 capsules in containers, 10 capsules in blisters.