Butaminophen ointment 2 %

Unguentum Вutaminopheni 2 %


Pharmacotherapeutic group

Antiviral (antiherpetic) agent.

Composition of the preparation

1 g of ointment contains 20 mg of butaminophen.

Pharmacological action

Butamipnohen is an antioxidant of phenolic nature.

2 % butaminophen ointment has antiviral activity at treatment of herpetic diseases of skin and mucosa (herpes simplex, shingles, herpes of genitals). Promotes fast stopping of inflammatory process, reduces itch, edema, hyperemia, accelerates formation of crusts, prevents the appearance of fresh rash. Prevents process progressing, reduces probability of dermal dissimination.


The preparation is applied at herpetic diseases of skin and mucosa (labial herpes, genital herpes, shingles).

Dosage and method of administration

2 % butaminophen ointment is applied as thin layer in the center of lesion 4-5 times a day. Duration of course of treatment should be not less than 14 days (before disappearance of local disease signs). Treatment by the preparation is necessary for continuing within 3 days after disappearance of disease signs.

At severe infection the duration of course of treatment can be increased to 3 weeks.

Special indications

Treatment is recommended to start at the very first signs of disease.

Side effects

In the first 10-15 min after application of the preparation there can be a sensation of mild burning in a place of ointment application which, as a rule, passes independently and does not need the preparation canceling.

The development of reaction of hypersensitivity, seen as hyperemia, edema of skin and mucosa is possible in rare  cases. At presence of the specified signs the preparation should be cancelled and corresponding therapy should be administrated depending on severity of hypersensitivity reaction signs.


Hypersensitivity to butaminophen.

The safety of the preparation application at pregnancy and breast feeding is not established.

Interactions with other medicinal preparations

Increases efficiency of therapy at combined application with acyclovir ointment. The combined administration of with zinc ointment is recommended in patients with expressed vesicular and erosive rashes.

Probably The simultaneous application of the preparation in structure of complex therapy with benzylpenicillin (in the form of sodium and procaine salt), clarytromycin, metronidazol, halazolin, acetylsalicylic acid, aloe, ФИБС, vitaminsB1,B6, C.


The phenomena of overdosage at application of the preparation are not described.

The form of release

2 % ointment of. In tubas of 5, 10, 15 g, in vials of 15, 25, 30 g.